Aurora Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyer - Manning Law
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you to recovery

Aurora Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney

Hit-and-run accidents should never occur, and leaving the scene of a crash is a crime in the state of Colorado. Unfortunately, there are times when drivers choose to break the law and flee the scene. This can leave crash victims wondering what they can do to secure compensation for their medical bills and property damage expenses. At Manning Law, we are here to help if you need an Aurora hit-and-run accident attorney. Our team of personal injury attorneys in Aurora have extensive experience handling complicated personal injury cases in Colorado, and we have the resources necessary to explore all avenues of compensation recovery on your behalf.

Why Choose Manning Law for This Case?

  • At Manning Law, our dedicated team of attorneys provide consistency to every claim that we take, and we make sure that every client works with the same team from the beginning to the end of their case.
  • We have a track record of success and have been able to ensure that 99% of our clients receive coverage of their medical bills as well as additional money that goes into their pocket for their claims.
  • We handle Aurora hit-and-run accident claims on a contingency fee basis. This means that our clients will not have to worry about paying legal fees until after we successfully obtain the compensation they need.

Why Do You Need a Hit-and-Run Lawyer in Aurora?

There are various reasons why an attorney may be necessary after a hit-and-run crash in Aurora, Colorado. Handling these incidents can be incredibly difficult, particularly when it comes to determining liability. Even though a person may have fled the scene, this does not necessarily mean that law enforcement officials and insurance carriers will properly assign fault for the incident to the negligent driver.

An attorney can get involved and completely investigate the incident. This will include gathering photo or video surveillance related to the crash, statements from eyewitnesses, police reports, and more. Additionally, an Aurora hit-and-run attorney will be able to evaluate all possible avenues of securing compensation for these incidents, including the victim’s uninsured motorist coverage, the insurance carrier of the hit-and-run driver if they are apprehended, or even a personal injury lawsuit if necessary.

Steps to Take Immediately Following an Aurora Hit-and-Run Crash

There are various steps that individuals in Aurora should take if they are involved in a hit-and-run crash:

  • Call 911. Law enforcement officials need to come to the scene of every hit-and-run crash in Aurora. Under no circumstances should victims in these cases try to chase any driver who flees the scene. This creates an incredibly dangerous situation for every party involved. Let law enforcement officials do their job and investigate the incident. The police will be responsible for tracking down hit-and-run drivers.
  • Seek medical care. Any person involved in a hit-and-run crash must seek medical care immediately. Even if the injuries do not seem severe, please understand the importance of establishing a direct link between the crash and any possible injuries. In some cases, injuries may not appear until hours or even days after the crash occurs.
  • Gather evidence. If it is safe to do so at the scene of the crash, those involved can begin to gather evidence. This can include using cell phones or other devices to take photographs of vehicle damage and injuries. This also means gathering the contact information of any eyewitnesses to the crash.
  • Speak to an attorney. A skilled hit-and-run crash attorney in Aurora can get involved quickly and help ensure a proper investigation is conducted by all parties, including insurance carriers and law enforcement officials. An attorney will take over every aspect of the case, including communication with others involved.
  • Continue all medical care. Hit-and-run crash victims must continue all medical care until they reach maximum medical improvement. If a crash victim discontinues medical care early, this could jeopardize any eventual insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.

get help from an Aurora hit and run accident lawyer at Manning Law

Where to Recover Compensation After an Aurora Hit-and-Run Accident

Colorado is a fault-based state when it comes to securing compensation in the aftermath of a vehicle accident. This means that the at-fault driver is responsible for covering medical bills, property damage expenses, and other losses sustained by victims. However, when a hit-and-run incident occurs, securing compensation from the at-fault driver becomes challenging. Often, obtaining payment after a hit-and-run crash revolves around whether or not law enforcement officials track down the driver.

One of the first places to try to secure compensation after a crash is the uninsured motorist coverage of the victim. However, when we look at the types of insurance required of all drivers in Colorado, we see the following:

  • Bodily injury: $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident
  • Property damage: $15,000 per accident

You will notice that uninsured motorist coverage is not required in the state of Colorado. This coverage can be rejected. We strongly suggest that all drivers in Colorado obtain uninsured motorist coverage so that they will have compensation to help them pay for their expenses in the event they are injured due to the actions of an uninsured driver or hit-and-run incident.

If a hit-and-run driver is tracked down by law enforcement officials and they have insurance, it will be possible to recover compensation through a traditional vehicle accident claim process. However, one of the reasons that many drivers flee the scene of a crash is because they do not have insurance at all. If a driver is tracked down and they do not have insurance, it may be possible to file a personal injury lawsuit against the driver. Again, if a driver does not have insurance, it is unlikely that it will be possible to recover compensation, even if the driver hires a car accident lawyer in Aurora. If you have lost a loved one after a fatal hit-and-run accident, our Aurora wrongful death lawyers can provide compassionate legal support and help you fight for compensation.

Call an Aurora Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney Today

If you or somebody you love has been injured or sustained property damage as a result of a hit-and-run accident in the Aurora, Colorado area, reach out to the team at Manning Law for help today. Our attorneys have extensive experience handling complex vehicle accident claims throughout Colorado, and we have the resources necessary to determine liability and explore all routes for securing the compensation you need to get through this. We will not hesitate to stand up to aggressive insurance carriers to ensure that you are treated fairly. When you need an Aurora hit-and-run accident attorney, you can call us for a free consultation or calling us at (720) 515-3191.