If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident, you may find it important for your treatment to include a primary care physician. In the same way that a personal injury attorney can help to manage the legal ramifications of your accident, a primary care physician can coordinate the health impact. Using this approach, you can build a healthcare team made up of both generalists (healthcare professionals who practice in a wide variety of areas) and specialists (providers who develop deep expertise on a few specific topics).
The truth is, lots of people think about chiropractic treatment after an auto accident. While we can’t take the place of a health care provider, we can try and point out some resources we think you should look at.
Your course of chiropractic treatment after an auto accident might also include meeting with a physical therapist. Physical therapists often work with patients who are suffering decreased quality of life after an injury. Many promote the use of ‘isometric exercises’ like the ones seen above. These activities can help many auto accident victims feel better after an accident.
This video shows some of the symptoms of a common auto accident injury. You quickly see why working with competent health care professionals is such an important part of any recovery–especially those including chiropractic treatment after an auto accident!