We’re always amazed by some of the things we learn. When we found these three great websites last week, full of crazy car accident facts, we knew we wanted to share them with you. We’ll get right to it!
This first list of facts comes from CalculateMe. You can check it out here. I wouldn’t want to go for a walk in New Mexico!
We actually found this list on two lawyer’s websites, so we’ll link to both of them.
The first, is the Pennsylvania firm, Console & Hollawell.
The second, is the Indiana firm Keller & Keller.
We can see why this list is so popular!
It’s amazing to think that most accidents occur within three miles of a victim’s home.
Our final list, isn’t for the faint of heart.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration frequently publishes accident statistics. You can read through much of their work, at their site.
We found a great list using NHSTA data all about Teenage drivers and crazy car accident facts. Check it out!