One of the best parts of riding a motorcycle is the sense of freedom you experience while you wheel down the open road. Perhaps ironically, this freedom is in part due to the relatively sparse safety protections offered to Motorcyclists. Motorcyclists are at especially high risk for injury when they are involved in an accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcyclists are 16 times more likely to be injured in road accident. What’s worse is that when injured, motorcycles are 4 times more likely to suffer a traumatic brain injury.
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) are injuries that occur when there is a sudden blow to the head. TBIs can vary in severity, but prove to be costly and complicated injuries. Unfortunately, our team of Denver traumatic brain injury lawyers have seen TBIs and motorcycle accidents going hand in hand.
Check out this Traumatic Brain Injury Infographic
Mild TBIs can lead to periods of momentary unconsciousness. These lapses can be so short that they are only detected weeks later by loved ones. Moderate TBI is often associated with periods of unconsciousness that are around ten minutes long. In the case of a severe TBI, the victim could be unconscious for much longer. Many suffering from severe TBI end up in a coma.
Regardless of the severity of the TBI, common symptoms include confusion, disorientation, and pain.
Every body is different. We all react differently to injuries. The brain is the core of all human function. It is an incredibly complicated organ. This means that after a TBI symptoms can vary in disposition, length and severity.
You can learn more from our experienced Denver motorcycle accident lawyer.
TBI isn’t the only accident risk facing motorcyclists. Auto accidents have a smattering of symptoms all their own. Broken bones, road rash and spinal herniations are all a threat.
You are not in a position to evaluate your own cognitive function. No one is.
If you have been in a motorcycle accident it is important to seek out a medical professional as soon as possible.
Here’s why.
Traumatic brain injuries are expensive to treat–even if they aren’t the result of a motorcycle accident.According to The National Foundation of Brain Research, the average traumatic brain injury costs $151,000.00.
When you have a broken bone, a healthcare professional can quickly diagnose your disorder. He or she is then able to set the bone. The healing process begins.
When it comes to TBI and motorcycle accidents, it’s not always possible to discern the extent of the damage. The doctor doesn’t have access to information about the force of the impact. It can be hard for a doctor to understand some of the other factors (like underlying health conditions.) Because of that, most Doctors evaluate several different treatment paths.
On top of that, treatment for injuries after a motorcycle accident vary.
After a mild traumatic brain injury, most patients respond to rest and medication. is usually the best course of action. Moderate and severe traumatic brain injuries require more aggressive treatment. Options like cognitive rehabilitation and surgery can take months to plan.
Once they’ve found the treatment path that will work, the healing process can begin.
Traumatic brain injuries are truly life changing. The cost of treatment is high. Treatment often takes months and even years. Some people never recover. They require care for the rest of their lives.
Even if you escape relatively unscathed, traumatic brain injuries (like those suffered after motorcycle accidents) often reduce cognitive abilities. That means that it can become impossible for you to perform and even think in the ways your job requires. Losing your job after an expensive accident is a tragedy.
Motorcycle accidents that leave behind a traumatic brain injury are often caused by reckless vehicle drivers. Following common-sense safety can prevent a truly life-altering tragedy.
If you or someone you loved was injured in a motorcycle-vehicle accident, you should consult with a the best Denver personal injury attorney you can find. In addition to being able to help manage your healthcare, they may be able to take action to alleviate some measure of your suffering.