Wearing a motorcycle helmet is the most effective way to prevent a serious head or brain injury in a motorcycle crash. However, helmets are not legally required for motorcyclists over the age of 18 in the State of Colorado. If you were not wearing a motorcycle helmet at the time of your crash, you can…
Riding a motorcycle can come with distinct disadvantages if a motor vehicle accident occurs. In these situations, a motorcycle helmet may be one of the only forms of protection the motorcyclist has against serious injury. Colorado law may not require helmets for all motorcyclists, but it is still important to wear one for your safety….
In 2022, the number of motorcycle accident deaths in Colorado was higher than it had been in 20 years. The Colorado Department of Transportation recorded 149 motorcyclist deaths in 2022, representing 20 percent of all traffic fatalities in the state. If you operate a motorcycle in Colorado, our Denver motorcycle accident lawyers recommend it is…
Lane splitting is currently illegal in Colorado. State lawmakers rejected bills submitted in the past that sought the legalization of lane splitting. These lawmakers question the safety of lane splitting, while supporters of this practice argue that it is safer for motorcyclists. If a motorcycle accident takes place while a motorcyclist is unlawfully lane splitting,…
Riding a motorcycle is much more inherently dangerous than driving a standard motor vehicle. Motorcyclists are not protected by the same safety features as drivers, such as airbags and seat belts. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the fatality rate for motorcyclists was almost 24 times the passenger car occupant fatality rate…
Motorcycle accidents cause serious injuries and take many lives in Colorado each year. According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, motorcycle fatalities reached the highest number on record for the state in 2022, with 149 motorcyclists killed. The Denver motorcycle accident lawyers at Manning Law have experience handling accident cases and know that if a…