What To Know Before You File A Fire Insurance Claim

Posted On April 19, 2022 / By Manning Law / Burn Injury


After a fire, many homeowners consult their homeowner’s insurance policy and contact their fire insurance provider. While you can file your fire insurance claim on your own, there are some things you should know before you get started.

Many insurance companies encourage you to make calling your insurance agent one of the first things you do after a home fire. While your policy may have strict restrictions on when you must notify your insurance company, there are a few things you should attend to before you call.

First, you need to make sure that you and your family are safe. Sometimes this means finding a relative to stay with, other times it might mean making arrangements with a local shelter or church group. If anyone suffered any injuries such as burns from the fire, get in contact with an experienced burn injury lawyer in Aurora.

You’ll also want to make sure that you assemble all of the available policy documents you have. You’ll want to take some time to review your policy and your insurance company’s policies regarding fire insurance claims. If you have questions about these rules, you should take the time to speak with a lawyer or insurance specialist.

Many people question the motivations of the advice they receive from their insurance agent when filing a claim. That’s why conducting a little bit of research before hand is so helpful. You don’t need to completely answer all of the questions you’ll need to answer during the claims process before you call the insurance company, but you should familiarize yourself with the process.

By becoming familiar with the fire insurance claim process before you actually file a claim, you’ll know what’s covered and what isn’t from the beginning. By knowing what items your policy actually covers, you’ll be better able to effectively advocate for yourself.

After you contact your insurance company, they may begin to pressure you to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. It is important for you to take your time and submit a thorough fire insurance claim. By taking the time now to file your claim correctly, you reduce the likelihood you’ll to pay out of pocket for an home reconstruction project that has exceeded the budget set by your insurance provider.

If you have problems filing your fire insurance claim, use our guide to Denver Attorney Reviews to find an attorney. As you work to file your fire insurance claim, you may find working with an attorney who is experienced in insurance matters very beneficial. Many personal injury attorneys in Aurora have experience working with insurance companies–including the companies who handle fire insurance claims.