Spinal Injury Stretches

Posted On December 2, 2015 / By Manning Law / Spinal Cord Injury

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As we age, our bodies can take a lot longer to heal. After a spinal injury, many patients are required to attend physical therapy for an extended period of time. Some patients elect to meet with Chiropractors and other so-called ‘alternative,’ practitioners. Many practitioners recommend exercises to their patients. While we aren’t qualified to give you any medical advice, we know that some of our clients are nervous about physical therapy. We hope that in sharing these Spinal Injury Stretches and videos, we can show you that you’ve got nothing to worry about!

One last warning, before you (or a loved one) begin any exercise program, it’s important to make sure that you’ve spoken to your physician.  Your body is complicated. Recovery is complicated. Close supervision by professionals will help keep you on the road to recovery. This is especially important if you’ve been involved in an accident!